Sponsor a Scholarship | Ethics-TWI.org
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The William Institute

Become a sponsor of TWI’s Annual High School Ethics Essay Contest

For twenty-plus years, TWI has sponsored our annual ethics essay contest giving high school students the rare opportunity to think about the role of ethics in their lives. During that time, over 38,000 students have submitted ethics essays and over $165,000 in scholarships have been awarded.

“The ethics essay contest gives students an opportunity to evaluate their personal guidelines for living ethically in an increasingly decadent society. The contest challenges students to reflect on their personal values while responding to a format that demands thought and creativity. It is one of the most significant writing assignments that students undertake in high school”. - Janet Wood, English teacher

Our ability to reach out to more schools and their students is limited by our financial resources to support the scholarships. Your donation will help.

Your school sponsorship is a gift to students, teachers, and the community.

To sponsor a school scholarship, click here.

What your sponsored school receives

  • Two cash scholarships awarded to the top junior ($300) and top senior ($500) students at each school 
  • Opportunity for teacher workshops at the school on facilitating classroom discussion on each year’s ethics essay topic

What your organization receives

  • Recognition on the award certificate presented to the winning students
  • Opportunity to present the scholarship and certificate at the school’s year-end awards ceremony
  • Name and logo placed on the TWI website as a scholarship sponsor
  • Name and logo printed in the book TWI publishes consisting of student essays

What TWI receives

Your sponsorship of a school opens opportunities for more schools to participate and supports TWI in promoting our mission, “to help young people judge what is right, care deeply about what is right and do what is right.”

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