Without civic morality communities perish; without personal morality their survival has no value. – Bertrand Russell
David and James meet with Terry Gainer, US Senate Sergeant at Arms. |
TWI has conducted customized ethics, communication, and leadership training programs for federal, state and local government and public agencies. At the federal level, TWI has provided executive leadership training to US Senate Sergeant at Arms managers and ethics training to US District Court personnel from Chiefs to clerical. At the state and local levels, TWI has conducted ethics and values-driven leadership and communication training programs in states such a Arizona, Alaska, California, Indiana, Florida, New Mexico, North Dakota, Texas, Utah, etc. to probation and court personnel, law enforcement agencies, tribal gaming regulators, and other agencies to provide the understanding and skills that build solid ethical cultures and develop empowered and successful leadership.
TWI also works with local city government leadership to assist in generating greater mutual trust and openness, building stronger ethical cultures and promoting better understanding, communication and ethical decision making.
Community Corrections and Courts
The pressures on court, probation, pretrial and detention personnel in the current culture and environment are horrendous. It is easy, under current workloads to become disengaged and cynical. Dealing with ever increasing case loads and less time to properly address client issues can create a tense and stressful work environment.
TWI's programs build skills that develop and empower positive personal interactions that are critical for ethical decision making, effective communication and strong leadership in the office and in the field. These programs are customized to provide the skills and knowledge identified as meeting the needs of each department.
Description of Transformative Ethics class
Description of Transformative Leadership class
Description of Communication class
Law Enforcement
Law enforcement professionals understand that "conformative ethics," i.e. teaching and enforcing codes of conduct, standards and laws, does not keep their officers and leaders from serious ethical violations. Studies show that the main issues where law enforcement fails are exactly the same as they were 20 years ago…
We take a more effective approach. TWI's "transformative ethics" goes beyond codes and standards. We encourage personal awareness, accountability, integrity and decision making that makes a difference. The ethics program, From Fear to Trust: New Ethical Strategies in Law Enforcement, is a powerful, life changing program that causes participants to examine themselves and be prepared to make those ethical decisions that are thrust on them every day.
Transformative Leadership provides important tools for empowering personnel to help strengthen and build a culture of integrity. Both sworn and civilian employees benefit greatly from this program.
To learn more about TWI’s programs, e-mail TWI or call 480-517-1891.
City and County Needs Assessment and Program Evaluation
In these times of more limited resources, local governments and other agencies need to find ways to maximize their efficient and effective use of funds. TWI’s consultants have the expertise to make this happen. Our experts have conducted human services needs assessments for municipalities and program evaluations for nonprofit agencies and educational institutions. Professional work, thorough, ethical research, and impactful recommendations are the hallmarks of the process and results of TWI’s services. To experience an example of our consultant’s work, click here for TWI’s latest human services needs assessment report.
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